Alcohol Use Disorder and its Effect on the Body System

Most people drink alcohol (beer or wine) as a form of relaxation or enjoyment (also known as f՝aa՜gi՝ among the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, West Africa), some drink alcohol to celebrate events or occasions, others drink alcohol because of challenges and out of frustration, some drink alcohol as a sign of masculinity, while majority of the youth drink alcohol because of inferiority complex and peer pressure. But regardless of these reasons, alcohol consumption poses the greatest threat to health and social damage.

★Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is defined as a condition in which a person has a desire or physical need to consume alcohol, even though it has a negative impact on their life.
★According to the National Institute on Alcohol abuse, Alcohol and Alcoholism (NIAAA), AUD is defined as “problem drinking that becomes severe”.
★According to the World Health Organisation, alcohol consumption contributes to 3.3 million deaths each year globally.
★According to the World Health Organisation, Alcohol is the leading risk factor for premature mortality and disability among those aged 15 to 49 years, and this accounts for 10% of deaths in this age group.
★Overall, the harmful use of alcohol is responsible for 5.1% of the global burden of diseases. Since men consume more alcohol then women, harmful use of alcohol is accountable for 7.1% and 2.2% of the global burden for males and females respectively.
★According to the World Health Organisation, Alcohol is defined as a toxic and psychoactive substance with producing propensities.
★Alcohol as an intoxicant affects the Central Nervous System (CNS) and increases the risk of intentional and unintentional injuries and adverse social consequences.
★The International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified ‘Alcoholic beverages’ as Carcinogenic because they increase the risk of several cancer types.
★Alcohol as an immunosuppressant, increases the risk of communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis and HIV
★Alcohol has also been shown to have a considerable toxic effects on the digestive system and Cardiovascular System, in which the pancreas, heart, veins, arteries and capillaries are a part. This explains the relationship between Alcohol consumption, Cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes.

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